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Sustainability / Sustainability Risks

(Regulation (EU) 2019/2088: Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation [SFDR])

The term “sustainability risks” refers to the risk of an actual or potential loss in value of an investment due to the occurrence of environmental, social or governance (ESG) events. In line with the European Union’s understanding of sustainability, sustainability should not be limited to environmental aspects, but should rather take into account the entire ESG spectrum (Environment, Social and Governance). NSF Wealth Management Trust reg. is subject to disclosure requirements under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) in this regard. In fulfillment of these disclosure obligations, we are disclosing the following:

  • NSF Wealth Management Trust reg. recognizes its responsibility to ensure a livable future for generations to come.

  • The remuneration policy of NSF Wealth Management Trust reg. is ESG neutral. However, we will closely monitor developments in this area and will inform you here of any changes.
  • NSF Wealth Management Trust reg. as an asset manager is committed to systematically taking sustainability criteria (ESG criteria) into account in the investment process. The integration of so-called ESG criteria is considered an integral part of the investment process. NSF Wealth Management Trust reg. is firmly convinced that taking sustainable investment decisions can improve the risk-return ratio of their clients’ portfolios. Portfolio risks can be reduced while opportunities are seized. These ESG requirements (ESG standards) are defined in the investment guidelines and continuously monitored at the portfolio level. Sustainability in the investment process means that NSF Wealth Management Trust reg. considers the three sub-areas “E” (Environment), “S” (Social), and “G” (Governance) to be of equal importance. Securities from the investment universe are excluded if they do not meet the minimum requirements regarding the defined ESG criteria (ESG criteria at the overall ESG rating level as well as separate E, S, and G ratings). Stocks and bonds of companies that exhibit critical corporate practices with regard to sustainability standards and therefore risk negative impacts on financial and/or non-financial areas are systematically excluded for risk reasons and are not eligible for investment. NSF Wealth Management Trust reg. uses an integrated tool in the portfolio management system to review and report on these ESG standards, which enables ongoing risk monitoring.

    The concept for taking PAIs into account in the investment process (principal adverse impact) is currently being developed. Once integrated, the PAIs defined by NSF Wealth Management Trust reg. can be monitored, evaluated and integrated into existing reporting.
  • The NSF Group does not pursue a sustainability concept at the corporate level. A careful and modern use of all resources is assumed and taken for granted. Specific sustainability goals are not set.